Master of Arts in Teaching
The Master of Arts in Teaching (MAT) offers a comprehensive pathway for individuals seeking both teacher certification and a graduate degree. Tailored for aspiring educators, the MAT program provides a focused curriculum that integrates essential courses and hands-on experiences necessary for success in the field of education.
For those interested in elementary education, the Elementary program offers a streamlined one-year master's program. The Secondary program caters to prospective teachers in various secondary education areas such as biology, chemistry, English, environmental science, French, mathematics, physics, social studies, and Spanish.
Overall, whether aspiring to teach at the elementary or secondary level, the Master of Arts in Teaching programs at LSU provide rigorous training, practical experiences, and academic support to equip graduate students with the necessary tools and knowledge to excel in their teaching careers.
Application deadline April 15.
Master of Teaching Elementary Education Grades 1-5 | MAT
The Master of Teaching (MAT) in Elementary Education offers a streamlined one-year master's program. This track is specifically designed for candidates who have already completed an undergraduate degree in Elementary Education from LSU. By building upon their existing knowledge and skills, students can delve deeper into advanced pedagogical concepts and instructional techniques to enhance their effectiveness as elementary educators.
As undergraduates, Elementary MAT students complete a pedagogical and content concentration in lieu of student teaching. This concentration is intended to assure that each Elementary candidate has the subject matter expertise and pedagogical approaches that will aid in the crafting of curriculum.
The degree is a non-thesis degree requiring 33 credit hours in a specified field of study and at least 24 hours at the 7000 level or above. The student must pass a final exam consisting of a presentation and defense of a written special project.
- 3.00 undergraduate GPA
- “C” or better in all required courses for the degree in Elementary Education
- Passing Praxis Specific Tests
- Elementary Education: Multiple Subjects (test #7001, qualifying scores Reading and Language Arts Subtest 157; Mathematics Subtest 157; Social Studies Subtest 155; Science Subtest 159)
- Principles of Learning and Teaching: Grades K–6 (test #5622, qualifying score 160)
- Acceptable GRE scores
- Candidates should have at least a 153 on the verbal portion of the GRE and at least a 144 on the quantitative portion of the GRE.
- It is further recommended by the faculty, that candidates have a 3.5 or higher on the analytical writing portion of the GRE.
- Admission to the LSU Graduate School
The MAT Elementary Education program meets the educational eligibility criteria for certification in Elementary Grades 1-5 in the State of Louisiana. Graduates of this Louisiana state-approved teacher preparation program will qualify for a Level 1 Professional Certificate and the English as a Second Language endorsement. Graduates of the program who wish to teach in another U.S. state or country may require additional eligibility criteria to qualify for licensure and/or certification in those locations. We are unable to confirm the licensure and/or certification requirements of other states or countries. Therefore, if you intend to pursue such credentialing in another state or elsewhere, it is advised that you contact the applicable state or country credentialing authority to familiarize yourself with its specific requirements and determine if this program meets the applicable eligibility criteria. If you have additional questions in this regard, please contact us to assist you in your career planning.
Procedures for filing appeals and complaints are accessed here.
Master of Teaching Secondary Education Grades 6-12 | MAT
The Master of of Teaching (MAT) in Secondary Education caters to prospective teachers in various secondary education areas such as biology, chemistry, computer science, English, environmental science, French, mathematics, physics, social studies, and Spanish. This 15-month degree program is ideal for individuals who aspire to teach in secondary schools. To qualify for this program, candidates must first complete an undergraduate program in a college that offers a degree in their chosen area of teaching interest. This ensures that students possess a strong foundation in their subject matter before embarking on their journey toward becoming secondary educators.
Students take much of their course work in intimate subject-area cohorts. Upon enrolling in the MAT program, students will apply for a full-time teaching job with provisional licensure (PL3) or choose a traditional student teaching arrangement. You will be teaching full-time (and receiving a salary) during the fall and spring while completing your course work. For assistance in finding a full-time teaching position, students are encouraged to contact the Office of Professional Experiences.
The degree requires 36 credit hours at the graduate level.
- 3.00 undergraduate GPA
- Passing Praxis Content Area Tests
- It is recommended that applicants hold a degree or have completed at least 30 hours of course work in the content area they wish to teach.
- Three (3) letters of recommendation from individuals who can attest to your ability to complete graduate work are required. Letters must be written on official letterhead or emailed from a professional email account.
- A personal statement
- Admission to the LSU Graduate School
- The MAT Program in Curriculum & Instruction is 36 hours. All programs must be approved by the School of Education faculty advisor. Students must meet all teacher certification requirements before completing their graduate degree, including PRAXIS requirements.
- Teacher candidates will be required to attend bi-weekly meetings as determined by their University Clinical Faculty Supervisor.
- Passing scores on the Principles of Learning & Teaching: Grades 7–12 test must be presented prior to graduation. It is recommended that this test be taken in the final semester of the program.
The MAT Secondary Education program meets the educational eligibility criteria for grades 6-12 certification in Biology, Chemistry, English, Mathematics, Physics, or Social Studies in the State of Louisiana. Graduates of this Louisiana state-approved teacher preparation program will qualify for a Level 1 Professional Certificate. Graduates of the program who wish to teach in another U.S. state or country may require additional eligibility criteria to qualify for licensure and/or certification in those locations. We are unable to confirm the licensure and/or certification requirements of other states or countries. Therefore, if you intend to pursue such credentialing in another state or elsewhere, it is advised that you contact the applicable state or country credentialing authority to familiarize yourself with its specific requirements and determine if this program meets the applicable eligibility criteria. If you have additional questions in this regard, please contact us to assist you in your career planning.
Procedures for filing appeals and complaints are accessed here.